One of the first bloggers I ever read for an SL blog was Strawberry Singh. She is Ah-MAZ-ing!! I like her meme's lots & when I saw this week's Monday Meme I said to myself "chick, do this!" So without further ado ..
Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the following question and answers, delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a link to your post in the comments @
Miss Singh's NY Meme.
1. How did you spend New Year’s Eve?
I gave myself the opportunity to have 2 NYE's. One spent with my SL husband on skype. he lives in Hong Kong so I was at work while he watched the clock turn. For my time zone I was conducting my Doctor Who marathon courtesy of my local cable provider placing the past 7 seasons in OnDemand.
2. Did you keep any new years’ resolutions?
Yes. I didn't kill anyone. That's usually the one I make every year. Pledging to not kill others. Sometimes in my RL job ... that's a HUGE feat.
3. What was your biggest achievement(s) of the year?
I am roommate free for the first time in years! Oh the freedom whhhhhheeeeeeeeee. Ok, ok so that's not REALLY the biggest achievement. Three years ago I quit my job & stayed home w/my daughter who had just been given a diagnosis of Autism. This past year I was finally confident enough in what her team & I had done to not only allow her into public school activities but to stop holding back on my career & get a big girl job again. Since starting said job I've gotten 3 promotions & 2 raises. Not too darn shabby if I say so myself.
4. What was the best thing you bought?
My new fake Christmas Tree. This was the 1st year w/o roommates in near 2 years & as such I was able to not have to deal w/some gaudy colored tree this year. In SL? This is going to get sappy so hold on for a minute. A group VIP fee. Namely the group for a club where I met my loving, adoring, Daddy. I got one of those random itches & joined the group in the morning. Late that night there was a VIP event so I went. He showed up & we have been inseparable ever since. He rocks my world. That is all.
5. What do you wish you would have done more of?
Sleep. I have horrible insomnia.
6. What do you wish you would have done less of?
I could be completely snarky & say chores or commuting to/from work. But that's not really fair. Let's go with I wish I had spent less time being unsure of myself & my decisions in life. I have a fairly decent 6th sense. I need to stop ignoring it when it's all but screaming at me from the top of the nearest skyscraper.
7. What was your favorite movie you watched this year?
I'm not a big movie watcher. I prefer to watch the weather channel, NASA channel or a something equally nerd-riffic. I did however recently watch Despicable Me 2. Agnes is too flippin' cute :)
8. What did you do on your birthday this year?
For the first time ever in my life, I worked on my birthday. Not by complete choice but hey, life is about more important things sometimes right? So I had a nice lil party at work then my daughter & I went out to dinner after work.
9. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned.
I have come to learn that it's ok to want to love another person, it doesn't make you weak.But you have to use your best judgement, sometimes that judgement comes from your friends when you are too deep into the feelings you have for another. Talk out your feelings for others in a romantic sense as if you were NOT the person involved and make sure you are still being sane about what you have to say about your newly attached Significant Other! And yes this applies to my SL hubby just as much as it does for the person I broke off with at the beginning of the year.
10. What does 2014 hold for you?
I said my 6th sense was fairly decent not "will give me lottery numbers" good. I really don't know. What I DO know is that I want to get back into reading more, give myself the freedom to have a day to myself now & then. I would like to continue my path as a good mother, aunt, sister. Maybe we can work on how to be a good wife next year ok?